"Only dead fish go with the flow"

The Expulsion from Paradise is a subject that challenged many artists through history. Defiant Eve and deeply scared Adam are examples of what could happen to those who challenge the word of god. For me, biblical scenes have the opposite effect: my empathy was with the victims of the vain and unreasonable god, my lessons were never learned.  I never understood why they were punished and why they did not view their expulsion as liberation. After all, if any doubt exists, then god cannot be perfect. I thought god must be some naïve, manipulative being hijacked by powerfully mean demons; demons of war, greed, hate, destruction, and pollution.  His only excuse is that god does not exist.

2015 03 19 at 10.37.52

Whith thanks to Rijks Museum Amstedam for open archive so I could use Cornelis van Poelenburch painting for this collage. See original painting: The Expulsion from Paradise, Cornelis van Poelenburch, after 1646  https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/rijksstudio/193860--boris-novak/creations


Quote: “Only dead fish go with the flow.” is from Andy Hunt
